13 July 2013

The following is taken from our partnership leaflet and explains a little bit about what we'll be doing in Tanzania.

Africa is a huge continent – in fact it’s bigger than China, the USA, Western Europe, India, Argentina and the UK.... combined!  There are over 54 different countries in Africa; 1 billion people; 1000 indigenous languages; 950 people groups who’ve never heard the gospel, which of course presents a huge challenge! AIM has been responding to this challenge for over 100 years and today there are four million Africans worshipping in churches founded through the work of AIM . But the job isn’t finished yet – and that’s why missionaries from the UK are still heading out to Africa. It’s the work of these mission partners, serving alongside local churches and pioneering work where is no church, which is helping to make a difference in the lives of African people.

The new conference 'room' at Sanga Sanga
created out of shipping containers!
We will be working with the Institute of Bible & Ministry (IBM) in Morogoro. IBM is an on-going theological programme for pastors and evangelists of the Africa Inland Church in eastern Tanzania. The goals of IBM are to enable, mobilise and inspire these pastors to a closer relationship with God and equip them to reach their own communities with the gospel. Much of the teaching is done through regional seminars where the pastors gather together for fellowship and fresh biblical input. Work is currently taking place to build a small retreat/conference centre, called Sanga Sanga on the outskirts of Morogoro, which will then serve as a central location for the activities of the Institute. Steve will be involved as a Bible teacher and in the planning of regional and diocese-wide seminars. Ruth will work as Communications officer as well as teaching English.

For the next few months though, our focus will be on orientation and language study.  It won't be until Christmas/New Year that we'll begin to take on our roles with IBM.

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